Monday, March 18, 2013

Pork with Feta Cream Sauce

My husband texted me at 4:30 this afternoon to say that he'd be off work at five and he was starving.   Having settled into a 3rd shift schedule, I had just woken up.  I had found a recipe a while back on Pinterest for Chicken with Feta Cheese Sauce and had wanted to try it, but hadn't really looked over the recipe so assumed it was going to be complicated.  (You know what happens when you assume!)

We didn't have any chicken in the house, but I figured that it would work well with pork and I did have some thawed in the fridge.  The longest part of making this recipe is cooking the pork.  I chose to cook mine in the oven instead of on the stove top as I needed the burners for other things.  For the pork I just brushed it with a little olive oil, and threw on some onion powder, garlic, and basil.  Cooked at 350 for about 30 mins.

Other than that I followed the recipe as written.  I served it with a boxed curried cous-cous mix and some green beans.  My husband, who is often skeptical of anything with feta thought it tasted great and I really liked it as well.  A fine dinner in about 35 minutes from start to finish.  I can't complain about that.

You can find the recipe for this dish here:  Chicken with Feta Cheese Sauce

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Pasta with Creamy Bacon and Pea Sauce

It seems like I feature a lot of not so healthy looking recipes in my blog.  In reality, we eat a lot more healthy than not meals, but many of those don't seem exciting or exceptional enough to blog about.  So, mostly I end up posting on the best of the best, which are often of the creamy and or fattening variety.

I found this recipe for Pasta with Creamy Pea Sauce on Pinterest and had been meaning to try it out for a while.  It combines two ingredients that I love - bacon and peas.  It also looked like it would be a quick and easy meal and I wasn't really in the mood to spend hours in the kitchen.  No lie, if you start heating the water for the pasta at the same time you start cooking the bacon, everything will be ready to throw together by the time your pasta is done.  Might not be the healthiest meal on the planet, but it's nice to have a meal that seems "special" without hours of prep time.

The recipe is fairly straightforward, add frozen peas, mint, and a few other ingredients to cooked bacon.  The recipe didn't specify to drain the bacon fat, and so I didn't, but the end result did not seem overly greasy.  I'm sure some substitutions such as turkey bacon and low fat sour cream could bring the calorie count down tremendously, but I don't think there is anything wrong with an occasional indulgence.

Hearty enough for a main dish, but could also be used as a side.  Plenty of flavor and the hubby asked this one to be put into my regular recipe rotation.

The recipe for this can be found at:  Pasta with Creamy Bacon Sauce