Friday, August 31, 2012

First Week of Local Produce

As most of those who know me are aware, I get interested in things and then I'm not.  I kept meaning to get back to my food blog, but I never got around to it!  So, since we're getting settled in the new place, and I'm cooking again, I thought it was time to start this thing back up.

We started getting weekly produce delivered this week.  For a very reasonable cost, a box of fresh, mostly local produce is delivered to my front door.  I'm choosing the mystery box, so we'll never know exactly what we'll get.  I think that's going to make for some exciting cooking.

Here's what we got in the first box:

So, as we are heading to my parents' house this tomorrow, I wanted to use up the most perishable food first.  The first recipe I tried was a new one for me Saag Aloo (Indian Spinach and Roasted Potato Curry).

I made a whole bunch of substitutions as I do. I added a can of chickpeas to make it more filling.  Instead of the curry type spices in this recipe, I actually used some mild yellow curry seasoning made by my friends M and B.  Homemade is always better!  Super quick to make, too, it took about 30 minutes start to finish.  I loved it, but Bis thought it was bland and needed more salt.  I think if I made it again I would use broth and coconut milk instead of the half and half to give it more complexity.  I'm not giving up on this recipe yet, as it's super filling and super cheap to make.  I'll let you know how round two goes!